Life in TransitA Digital Nomad in Asia

A "miracle cure" in Asia

Not the original Poh Chai pills, but I hope it helps with my food poisoning.

Not the original Poh Chai pills, but I hope it helps with my food poisoning.

While street food is safe in Asia, ever so often I do encounter bad food that churns my stomach.

Most food poisoning can take care of itself with rest and care to avoid dehydration.

When the going gets a little tough, I turn to “Poh Chai Pills”, the miracle Traditional Chinese Medicine which features little black balls that you pour down your throat.

I have eaten the original Po Chai Pills and these aren’t it. I will try to take a photo of the original pills.

I’ll let you know by tomorrow of my five day bout with food poisoning is cured by these set of pills.

It could be a placebo effect, or it could be real. In any case, in my experience, I never suffered negative side effects and it seemed to aid my recovery.

For the record, it wasn’t street food that caused my condition. I last ate food from a western food chain about six hours before the liquified form of that meal came out … and subsequently liquified foods for the next five days.

How do you deal with illness during your travels?

Please share your answer in the comments below
Tagged: illness, medicine
Posted in: Cover, Journal